In spring, Kapha increases and causes discomfort. Eating bitter, pungent, and astringent foods helps alleviate spring fever symptoms.
Read MoreDiscover how adopting a healthy eating routine can work wonders for your digestion, facilitate optimal nutrient absorption and enhance your overall well-being.
Read MoreEliminate seasonal allergies without the use of pills or shots by employing Ayurvedic remedies, adhering to a wholesome diet, practicing yoga and pranayama.
Read MoreMost people suffer from constipation, diarrhea, or other bowel imbalance issues; but are too embarrassed to talk about it.
Read MoreAyurveda helps you seek the deep peace and love that exists within you.
Read MoreAyurveda has always emphasized specific self-care practices for each season called Ritucharya.
Read MoreThere are several controversies concerning soy and its safety which has led many individuals to avoid soy-based foods. Let’s discuss the good and bad effect of soy on our health.
Read MoreIn times of pandemic, it’s more important than ever to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from disease. Here are 7 ways to boost your immune system naturally through the science of Ayurveda.
Read MoreOften during the fall people begin to feel dryness in the skin, gas and bloating, increase in constipation due to the reduced heat and increased dryness in the body, and some anxiety and overall unsettling feeling. Here are six Ayurvedic tips to stay healthy in fall season.
Read MoreThe season of sunshine, warmth, and long days outdoors can spell trouble for some asthma patients. Improving your lifestyle and diet can virtually cure asthma. And, as health improves it leads to a wish to stay and continue along this harmonious path.
Read MoreWhile earlier the cause of thyroid conditions was mostly considered genetic, these days people are more prone to it whether it runs in the family or not. And much of that has to do with how we eat and live.
Read MoreAt the heart of healing and wellness in Ayurveda is understanding the connection between our body and Mother Nature. Do the words burn-out, exhaustion, acne, diarrhea, irritable, rage, anger sound familiar? All of these are imbalances that are caused by excess heat in the body.
Read MoreAs summer kicks into gear, we all look forward to a summer vacation. Taking time away from our everyday routines can be a very enriching and rejuvenating experience. However, many people also dread travel – can’t sleep in hotel beds, no home cooked meals. In addition, they’re worried about ruining all their efforts toward a healthy lifestyle during travel.
Read MoreMore and more people are falling victim to fad diets and unhealthy practices that seriously compromise their well-being. If you are one of those who have tried everything but haven't been able to move the scale much, Ayurvedic approach is the answer for you.
Read MoreFeeling a bit off lately? Are your lips chapped? Do your hands constantly feel dry? Noticing a bit more gas and constipation? Having sleep challenges? If you are saying yes to any of these – blame it on Vata!
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